"Paintings on Glass : Studies in Romanesque and Gothic Monumental Art" (Variourm Collected Studies Vol 573)
by Madeline Harrison Caviness

Publisher: Variorum, October 1997
Binding: Hardcover

Paintings on Glass Table of Contents:
Introduction; Additional Bibliography; Acknowledgements; I Suger's Glass at Saint-Denis: The State of Research Abbot Suger and Saint-Denis: A Symposium, ed. P. Gerson, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; II The Twelfth-Century Ornamental Windows of Saint-Remi in Reims, The Cloisters: Studies in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary, ed. E.C. Parker, New York: Metropolitan Museum of, Art; III Stained Glass English Romanesque Art, 1066-1200, Exhibition Catalogue, Hayward Gallery, April-July 1984, ed. G. Zarnecki; London: Arts Council of Great Britain; IV Romanesque belles verrieres' in Canterbury Romanesque and Gothic: Essays for George Zarnecki, ed. N. Stratford., Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer; V Canterbury Cathedral Clerestory: The Glazing Programme in Relation to the Campaigns of Construction Medieval Art and Architecture at Canterbury before 1220, Conference Transactions for 1979. Leeds: W.S., Manley for the British Archaeological Association; VI A Lost Cycle of Canterbury Paintings of 1220 Antiquaries Journal 54. London:, Society of Antiquaries; VII The Gothic Window from Soissons: A Reconsideration with Elizabeth Pastan and Marilyn M. Beaven Fenway Court 1983. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; VIII Modular Assemblages: Reconstructing the Choir Clerestory Glazing of Soissons Cathedral Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 48. Baltimore; IX A Man with a Dragon from One of the Tribune Oculi of Mantes Gesta 25, Essays in Honor of Whitney Snow Stoddard. New York: International Centre of Medieval Art; X Three Medallions of Stained Glass from the Sainte Chapelle of Paris Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 62. Philadelphia: Museum of Art; XI French Thirteenth-Century Stained Glass at Canterbury: A Fragment from the Sainte Chapelle of Paris in St Gabriel's Chapel Canterbury Cathedral Chronicle, Canterbury: Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, XII Another Dispersed Window from Soissons: A Tree of Jesse in the Sainte-Chapelle Style with Virginia Chieffo Raguin Gesta 20, Essays in Honor of Harry Bober. New York: International Centre of Medieval Art; XIII Biblical Stories in Windows: Were They Bibles for the Poor? The Bible in the Middlae Ages: Its Influence on Literature and Art, ed. B.S. Levy, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 89. Binghampton: Centre for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York; XIV A Life of St Edward the Confessor in Early Fourteenth-Century Stained Glass at Fecamp in Normandy Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 26. London: Warburg Institute; XV Fifteenth-Century Stained Glass from the Chapel of Hampton Court Herefordshire: The Apostles' Creed and Other Subjects Walpole Society Publications, London, Index

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